
🚀 GitHub | 2025-02-14 09:59

Bot @ Github

🔥 今日 GitHub 热门仓库一览


1. 🌐 microsoft /data-formulator

Stars: 5783 • 📈 今日新增: 820语言TypeScript

📝 描述:🪄 Create rich visualizations with AI

🤝 Built bydanmarshall, Chenglong-MS, dependabot, microsoftopensource, terrchen

2. 🦀 block /goose

Stars: 7630 • 📈 今日新增: 377语言Rust

📝 描述:an open source, extensible AI agent that goes beyond code suggestions - install, execute, edit, and test with any LLM

🤝 Built byangiejones, acekyd, EbonyLouis, michaelneale, salman1993

3. 🌐 labring /FastGPT

Stars: 20939 • 📈 今日新增: 259语言TypeScript

📝 描述:FastGPT is a knowledge-based platform built on the LLMs, offers a comprehensive suite of out-of-the-box capabilities such as data processing, RAG retrieval, and visual AI workflow orchestration, letting you easily develop and deploy complex question-answering systems without the need for extensive setup or configuration.

🤝 Built byc121914yu, newfish-cmyk, yangchuansheng, FinleyGe, Patrickill

4. 🌐 nocodb /nocodb

Stars: 51606 • 📈 今日新增: 30语言TypeScript

📝 描述:🔥 🔥 🔥 Open Source Airtable Alternative

🤝 Built bypranavxc, wingkwong, o1lab, dstala, mertmit

5. ✨ cypress-io /cypress

Stars: 47922 • 📈 今日新增: 16语言JavaScript

📝 描述:Fast, easy and reliable testing for anything that runs in a browser.

🤝 Built bybrian-mann, chrisbreiding, jennifer-shehane, flotwig, bahmutov

6. 📦 codecrafters-io /build-your-own-x

⭐⭐ Stars: 333293 • 📈 今日新增: 853语言Markdown

📝 描述:Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.

🤝 Built bydanistefanovic, rohitpaulk, sarupbanskota, fake-rookie, bauripalash

7. 📦 Oliveriver /5d-diplomacy-with-multiverse-time-travel

Stars: 641 • 📈 今日新增: 153语言C#

📝 描述:5D Diplomacy With Multiverse Time Travel

🤝 Built byOliveriver, CaptainMeme, penteract, leonard-IMBERT, inkyant

8. 🦀 juspay /hyperswitch

Stars: 13637 • 📈 今日新增: 209语言Rust

📝 描述:An open source payments switch written in Rust to make payments fast, reliable and affordable

🤝 Built byhyperswitch-bot, github-actions, SanchithHegde, Narayanbhat166, hrithikesh026

9. 📦 datawhalechina /llm-cookbook

Stars: 14483 • 📈 今日新增: 371语言Jupyter Notebook

📝 描述:面向开发者的 LLM 入门教程,吴恩达大模型系列课程中文版

🤝 Built bylogan-zou, Beyondzjl, xuhu0115, Weihong-Liu, Aphasia0515

10. 📦 Kong /kong

Stars: 40040 • 📈 今日新增: 22语言Lua

📝 描述:🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway.

🤝 Built bythibaultcha, bungle, subnetmarco, hishamhm, chronolaw

11. 🌐 RexanWONG /text-behind-image

Stars: 1586 • 📈 今日新增: 20语言TypeScript

📝 描述https://textbehindimage.rexanwong.xyz- create text behind image designs easily

🤝 Built byRexanWONG, MatinAniss, Adarsh-Raut

12. 🐍 landing-ai /vision-agent

Stars: 2646 • 📈 今日新增: 314语言Python

📝 描述:Vision agent

🤝 Built byAsiaCao, dillonalaird, humpydonkey, shankar-vision-eng, wuyiqunLu

13. 🐍 potpie-ai /potpie

Stars: 2207 • 📈 今日新增: 97语言Python

📝 描述:Prompt-To-Agent : Create custom engineering agents for your codebase

🤝 Built bydhirenmathur, vineetshar, GodReaper, maipkhu, kinshuksinghbist

14. 📦 netdata /netdata

Stars: 73389 • 📈 今日新增: 23语言C

📝 描述:Architected for speed. Automated for easy. Monitoring and troubleshooting, transformed!

🤝 Built byktsaou, netdatabot, ilyam8, Ferroin, stelfrag

15. 🌐 ant-design /ant-design

Stars: 93581 • 📈 今日新增: 46语言TypeScript

📝 描述:An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library

🤝 Built byafc163, zombieJ, MadCcc, li-jia-nan, benjycui

16. 📦 OpenZeppelin /openzeppelin-contracts

Stars: 25374 • 📈 今日新增: 10语言Solidity

📝 描述:OpenZeppelin Contracts is a library for secure smart contract development.

🤝 Built byfrangio, Amxx, nventuro, ernestognw, maraoz

🌈 每日开源之旅


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